November 2013
Welcome to Issue 38 of the SUPERIOR BOOK PRODUCTIONS newsletter!
Happy Fall Everyone,
I'm happy to report that my newest book The Best Place is getting great reviews. I also had the privilege of doing an interview with Reader Views that was posted at BlogCritics and made the Seattle PI. You can read the interview at:
Stay tuned in the next newsletter for information on my upcoming holiday book signings.
Be sure to check out the latest great new books below, and thank you, as always, for reading the Superior Book Productions newsletter.
Tyler R. Tichelaar
New Books |
Have you ever thought about being a missionary? I did, but honestly, I don't think I could take the heat and humidity, the dirt, and most of all, the devastating sadness of seeing so many people in need. But Dr. Gayla Holley has not let these conditions hold her back from making a difference in the world. You may not be able to make the differences she has, but she can go for you to the places where help is needed if you support her and her cause Moms Against Hunger. In Growing the Leader Within You, she tells her extraordinary story of making a difference in the world.
Growing the Leader Within You is about how you can be a leader in many ways, whether it's as a missionary, as a volunteer, in your business or work, through an organization, as a parent, or in any role you play in life.
To read more, visit Growing the Leader Within You.
Humanizing Psychiatrists is Niall McLaren's third book in a series directed at developing the Biocognitive Model of Psychiatry, the previous books being Humanizing Madness and Humanizing Psychiatry. I have previously read and reviewed Humanizing Madness and found it very informative and insightful. Humanizing Psychiatrists also has many valid points. The book is divided into two sections. The first explains what is wrong with the current state of psychiatry and how it is lacking in its foundations. The second offers examples of McLaren's own approaches as a psychiatrist and how they can provide a more humane approach to helping the people psychiatry is supposed to help.
To read more, visit Humanizing Psychiatrists.
D.A. Winstead has a fascination with the paranormal as it has manifested itself in various cultures around the world. His previous novels, The Seventh Priest and Southern Crosses, were set in Sudan and South Africa respectively, and were filled with ancient mysteries, bush rituals, and the murky region where Christianity and paganism meet. Now in Wiggle Rooms: Tale of a Fallen Anchorite, he has turned his attention to the often overlooked country of Latvia, a country living in the shadow of its recent Communist history. When a sea storm unexpectedly strikes the country, secrets from the past are brought into the light in surprising ways.
Ten years prior to the novel's opening, Ted Schwen, American ambassador to Latvia, lost his son, Toby. The boy mysteriously disappeared into the forest while playing hide and seek. Never proven, but highly suspected, was that a well-known Russian diplomat and pedophile took him.
To read more, visit Wiggle Rooms.
Alan Davis sort of fell into his career as a young man when he was introduced by a friend's mother to the owner of an HVAC company. He was hired by the owner as a mechanic's helper, and from there, he worked his way through various positions in the company until today, thirty-seven years later, he is a vice-president of the company. Not only did Alan learn a lot about HVAC during all those years, but he gained valuable knowledge about what makes a business strong and how a company's success largely depends on the people you employ and the relationships you develop with those employees.
To read more, visit Leading Through Relationships.
Susan Johnson's Low Hanging Fruit is far more than another coming-of-age story about a young girl. And trust me, it is no goody-goody book with a happy ending. It is the very realistic, at times almost uncomfortably realistic, story of a teenage girl dealing with her parents' divorce, mother's illness, and discovering her own sexuality.
Erica Tambo is fifteen in 1980 when her mother, ten-year old sister Ellie, and she move to Leavenworth, Washington, a touristy Bavarian town two hours away from their previous home in the Seattle area. Erica's parents divorced after her mother developed breast cancer and her father couldn't deal with her mother's illness. Now her father is getting remarried, while Erica, her mother, and her sister begin a new and impoverished life.
To read more, visit Low Hanging Fruit.
The River Way Home is the tale of three adolescents on the verge of adulthood as they embark on an adventure together through the Florida jungle in 1914. This unlikely trio is composed of Billy, an Okeechobee fisherman's son who dreams of being a Florida cow hunter; Chief, a Seminole Indian; and Queenie, an African-American girl from Baltimore with a secret: She is descended from the Amazon Queens, and she will prove herself worthy of her ancestors before the novel is over.
Queenie is a very inquisitive person who is always willing to share her knowledge. She quickly befriends Billy and the Chief, telling them how her parents and she have come to Florida to live, and wanting to know all about them. When the three decide to go out sailing and a storm comes up, landing their ship far from home, they find themselves on the adventure of a lifetime.
To read more, visit The River Way Home: The Adventures of the Cowboy, the Indian, and the Amazon Queen.