Welcome to Issue 19 (January 2011) of the SUPERIOR BOOK PROMOTIONS newsletter! *Update - Superior Book Productions absored Storytellers' Friend in January of 2014. This month I am pleased to announce the launch of www.StorytellersFriend.com, a new website for a company that truly is a Storyteller's best friend. Owner Larry Alexander, a longtime friend and associate of Superior Book Productions, now has his own website to promote his book layout and website services. Larry has designed several websites and done a lot of design and graphics work. Now he is focusing particularly upon helping authors. He is the designer of all three of my websites: www.SuperiorBookProductions.com He also did the book design and layout for my last book My Marquette. You will be in good hands if you use his services. Contact Larry Alexander today at larry@storytf.com. If you're an author, I hope like me you've discovered that people in the publishing and book world are some of the nicest people on the planet, so we will feature more of our friends in future issues of the Superior Book Productions newsletter. Thanks for reading! Tyler R. Tichelaar New Books |
The adventures include exploring the outdoors during the winter, visiting a cave at Broken Indian Rock along Lake Superior, and a rainy day picnic, as well as some bathroom antics when the Valley Cats are cooped inside the house in winter. The stories are visual and the gorgeous illustrations by Karin Neumann provide an added dimension to the stories. Valley Cats is bound to have a magical effect upon children. To read more visit Valley Cats.
Set in North Carolina, The One perfectly captures a region and way of life. Readers will appreciate the realistic setting that reflects a teenager's life in the early twenty-first century rather than becoming a stereotypical southern romance or a story that tries generically to appeal to a teen audience. To read more visit The One.
Nicole Donnelly is the founder of two successful businesses—BabyLegs and BigRuby. In these pages, she tells the inspirational story of how both got started, along with other life and work stories, and how she has learned to treat her customers so they will keep coming back for more. To read more visit Ride Like a Penguin.
Author Ibrahim Sabri knows happiness is real—and it can be yours. In The Art of Living Happily, he reveals that happiness is not some magical secret available only in a distant future. Life will always have its challenges, but a few lessons in self-discovery will allow you to surmount difficulties so you can daily celebrate an amazing life journey. This book is the perfect guide down that path. Read more at The Art of Living Happily.