Welcome to Issue 9 of the SUPERIOR BOOK PROMOTIONS newsletter! If you love independent books and want to find more of them—the kind that are cutting edge, creative, original, local, regional, or simply the ones the major publishing houses won't take a risk on because they won't be mainstream, take a moment and find out more about your local writing and publishing associations. If you're a reader, by simply visiting the website of such a group you'll find a list of unique books by local authors. You will also find listings of events by many of these authors from booksignings to writing conferences and Meet the Author talks. And if you're already an author or aspiring to be one, join one of these organizations. As the current president of the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association, I can tell you firsthand that one of the best things I ever did was join a group of other authors and publishers so I could share and learn from them what does and doesn't work in the book world. For more information about local writing and publishing groups, simply do a search with the name of your state and "publishers" and "authors" in it, or visit the list of regional affiliates at the Independent Book Publishers Association's website: And don't forget to take time to enjoy the fall colors! This season that John Keats described as "SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness" (see "To Autumn") Best wishes! Tyler R. Tichelaar
New Books
Flora Morris Brown's Color Your Life Happy: Create the Success, Abundance and Inner Joy You Deserve will quickly make you realize life does not have to be black and white, but it can be full of color and happiness. Brown provides common sense changes you can make to find the abundance in life you always knew deep down you deserved. Color Your Life Happy is an upbeat reinforcement with some great practical activities and colorful personal examples that bring to the forefront the wonderful achievements that can be made when people improve their attitudes and prioritize what is really important to them. To read more, visit Color Your Life Happy.
To read more, visit Recovering the Self.
Author Cheryl Carpinello explores that question, giving us a wonderful look at the young Guinevere as she matures into womanhood and prepares to take on the accompanying responsibilities. While written for children, this short novel is full of magic, fantasy, and wonderful illustrations that will also bring out the child in any adult. Anyone who loves T.H. White's The Once and Future King or the Arthurian legend in general will feel this book a true treasure and look forward to many more books about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table that Carpinello has planned. To read more, visit Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend.
To read more, visit Diamond.